Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Coming a blog near you....

In general, my life is discombobulated.  I'm kind of flaky and all over the map.  Right now, I am really frustrated w/myself b/c before Christmas I started a post/Christmas card on the blog...I knew I wasn't going to finish it on time and I was giving myself grace for various reasons, the first of which is that I'm flaky and all over the map!  I got almost all the way done w/it and then I just wasn't feeling it.  If it was paper I would have crumpled it and chucked it!  I am still deciding if I should post it or not.  I am, however, going to write up something else and get that up soon.  Ish.  That's not what I came here to write about though.
All appeals are DONE.  Nothing but paperwork and waiting for a date remain.  Bert and Ernie will become members of this family PERMANENTLY and LEGALLY soon.  SOON.  For once I can say that and mean it =)  Bert is mad that it's still taking too long.  He really doesn't want to talk about it much.  I don't blame him since we've been saying it would happen for a long time and it still hasn't, even w/this news.  Ernie fluctuates between helping plan the party, grief over loss of/connection to first family, mad it hasn't happened yet, and just plain joy that it will happen!!  He's a little discombobulated too =)  2019 has been a wild ride already...
...I still want to post a 2018 recap/Christmas letter.  Right now it's looking like it's going to be 2 parts.  Maybe 3.  Every time I sit down to write, it gets longer!!  I have a lot to say, mostly so we can look back and remember what was important to us.  I know I could accomplish that in other ways, but this is currently my chosen outlet or method of delivery.  At any rate - please celebrate the adoption news w/us!  Go hug someone and tell them you are glad they're in your life!