Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Time Out for Momma

I've had good behavior, but I am still quietly sitting on the steps. This week we have 3 extra kids at our house for respite. Like Mo, they don't take naps anymore, but like Mo, they need quiet time! So I currently have all 5 children spread out in separate rooms and I am monitoring from the steps. No one is really doing anything like trying to get out of it (they know we do this every day) but they tend to wander or try and talk to each other if I don't sit at my post. I'm not complaining b/c I enjoy this quiet time out but I tend to run out of things to do sitting here. It dawned on me that the blog has been neglected again, so I thought I'd take a few minutes to fire off an update post...
...only I feel weird talking about all that's been going on. It's been a blur and writing stuff here won't do it a justice. If you know me IRL you know most of the stuff anyway.
So I'm going to write an update on what I want to be doing =)
I'd love to get back into the habit of working out again. I miss my bike too. It's rainy today and the temps are going to be quite low tonight so they put the S word back into the forecast. You know I love snow, but only if it's enough to be playing in. Snow at this point in the year is just an annoying nuisance and seems to impede all the spring/summer activities from getting off the ground. Or in the ground. I am hoping to garden again this year, w/my boxes over at my friend Tracy's house, and maybe a few things nestled in the flower beds too. I really want to get some seeds under a grow light but that means some work in the basement needs to be done. I'd love to do some scrapbooking if time permitted. I bought a small album and ran off a few pics of former foster kids so I could make a mini-album to help remember them =) I'm ready to walk/bike to the grocery store and church again, ready to camp, ready to visit the secret beach, ready to hang more wash outside...ah, yes, spring fever...

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