Monday, March 30, 2020

Sequestered 2020:school at home/online day 1

(I wrote this last night...)
Nothing like disappearing for a week, right?  I didn't write because we were on spring break.  I attempted to relax and calm myself before what I would like to label as the storm.  Tomorrow we begin you know me, you know I don't home school.  You know, that even though I am a trained teacher, I have zero desire to teach my children at home.  I love them and I randomly teach them many things here and there, but a structured, actually-counts-for-DPI kind of thing is not my style.  Nevertheless, here we are and many parents are in the same boat as me!  We've set up all the desks, we've charged the myriad of devices, we've put each kid's books, folders, binders, etc at their spot!  We're ready!
Welp!  Pride goes before the fall!  I was soooooooo noooooottttt readyyyyyy.  I didn't even know how not ready I was!!!!!  Online school today was pretty much a dumpster fire.  Rolling down a hill.  Crashing into an art exhibit or something.  I dunno.  I'm shaking my head vehemently as I type this.  First of all - the teachers are kick butt awesome!!  They have all these emails and assignments and cool tech things for my kids.  THEY (teachers) were ready.  I logged in to the first kid's stuff and there were videos and tutorials and I attempted to set that child up.  On to the next.  Same, only this kid likes to click around and push buttons during a 10 minute video, so I had to sit there and prevent that.  Third kid kept trying to mess w/their background on the home screen, not necessary, just get back into your classroom and do the task!!  Another child started up a video chat and didn't know how to hear the teacher but kept taking headphones on and off, yelling, all while the final child was attempting to use talk to text but kept getting the sibling's words in their document.  Make sense?  Yeah me neither.  I tried to watch all the videos too so I could understand just what we are doing.  I think I've got it now but in the meantime I have no idea what everyone did today!!!  Oy vey!  We muddled through half of what we should have done.  TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER.  There is nowhere to go but UP!!!!!  A lot of my kids' work requires input or assistance from me, to be sure they are staying on that task or understanding what to do.  There are 4 of them and 1 of me.  As a classroom teacher, there are usually around 30 kids, but they are mostly all on the same task.  This is 4 diff. grade levels, 75% of this class has special needs, and I am a few years behind in the tech.  FUN!  I know I am not alone in this, so many people I know are working from home AND trying to get their kid/s to do school too.  YOU ARE ALL SAINTS.  Tomorrow is a new day. 
Motivational Quotes This too shall pass. It might pass like a ...
In other news - my daffodils are coming up.  It's too wet to 'rescue' them from the leaves but hopefully I will get to do that soon.  I was happy to find some fresh veggies at the store today.  We have been set on supplies for a while now, but I was starting to fret when I saw how empty the produce section was at the store last time.  Don't come between me and my morning smoothies!  The new furniture that we received before we break is working out very well.  I hope to find a rug soon.  We are all healthy.  Aside from me feeling overwhelmed by school responisibilities today, I am so glad to be w/my people.  We start and end the day w/snuggles and there is always music.  Every person in this family is very musical.  I do play instruments but don't sing - the rest of the crew does.  Oh I sing, I mean I love to sing, but it's not good.  They are all really good singers though and it does my heart good to hear them!  On that note, I think it's time for me to blast some music and dance it out.  That's probably the best way for me to end the day!!

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