Thursday, March 26, 2009

Things I can be better at...

I have a few minutes and I always like to use this place to write my thoughts and then have people ask me about it and hold me accountable. So if you are reading this, kick my butt into shape and ask me about all this...
  • Less cereal for breakfast. More muffins, eggs, oatmeal, etc...
  • More random cleaning during the day.
  • Not getting behind in the laundry and ugh, that means the folding too!
  • Preparing food ahead of time. Freezer burritos, muffins, granola bars, casserole type things...or just even getting meat out in the morning!
  • Straight up vegetables for at least one meal a day!! And getting back to green smoothies =)
  • Finding time to exercise, even if it means Mo and I jump around to a Richard video.
  • Yes, Mom, we need to wash hands more. I haven't done that much w/the baby...
  • And my mom's been reminding me about using the video camera more too - we used to do that all the time for every little thing Moses did and we need to get some new tapes.
  • Getting to bed by 10, at least, if not earlier. Esp since I want to get up early and use the time to exercise or read the Bible and what not.
  • I need to spend more time w/my friends...I go in streaks, you guys! For such a long time I was calling everyone every Friday morning! I miss that time and I need to get back into the swing of all that. So - friends, if you are reading this and want to go do something - call me! I will try to call you too! It sounds like it's going to snow again next week (huh? WHATEVER!!) so maybe we can go sledding?! LOL!!!
I guess that's all I can think of right now. In the time it took me to write that sentence I thought of 2 more!! Another one I won't write but would love to do is to get back into blogging a little more. I hope to revive Make it Mondays and maybe kick start a few other ideas I'm working on....until then...

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