Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just a taste

So today was a tired, clingy, crying day w/2 kids and I got a taste of what this life could be like. It's hard! (No complaints - I wouldn't trade it for the world...) I managed...we found out from the case worker that this could be a long term placement. Last night we talked about attachments and stuff. The little guy (in one week!) has developed an attachment to me! Hopefully he will get to see his mom tomorrow and we can have more visits in the future to start and keep up a healthy attachment w/her too. I think we are all doing pretty well, just gotta get enough sleep. One night a week is ok. Last night we all went down to see my Mom! That was really nice b/c I hadn't seen her in over a week! She always amazes me...well, I hope that tonight or tomorrow I can post a photo slideshow update. There is so much to talk about! I know I keep saying I will, but I'm serious. I miss blogging! I'm off to do some cleaning since both boys are amazingly asleep at the same time...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our foster son is here!!

Yipee! He is almost 14 months old and he walks...So far he has given me some tips on babyproofing and crashed in the crib. I wonder what kind of day he's had...the case worker called while I was at a zoo (30 mins away) and said he was in her office. Today was a little bit of a situation and when could we take him? I read up on him and there are no major issues, he just needs a lot of love, stability and attention =) I think we can handle that! Moses is not exactly sleeping, I can hear him banging around up there but go figure. He seems happy to have a 'brother' and has already been caught rubbing his hair and kissing him. He shared his toys extremely well (even the tools!!) but not his lunch. He didn't really want the kid stealing the crusts from his sandwich - who can blame him? Those crusts must go in the trash can, like they do every day - if they're not good enough for Mo, they're not good enough for anybody! Well, I shouldn't be spending time doing this...although it requires less energy than other things right now...I will be writing more later, as I can, of course! I have a feeling a bunch of posts are going to have the same label for a while...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No news is not good news

So, if the SW doesn't call 2 days later, ya think that's a good sign? B/c I don't. She said she wanted to find a place for him by Fri and I said, "Great, have the case worker call me w/more details!" I'm thinking now that we may not get a call until it's closer to Fri. And well, that is 2 days this how it works?? The house is way too quiet right now (DW's at a home visit and Mo is still asleep!) so I'm just sitting here praying for this little guy we haven't even met yet! I'm sure I've quoted it here before, but I'm reminded of the verse 2 Peter's so easy for God to wait for all of us to 'get it' (it took me over 20 years!) and we are I am so impatient for Him to 'get' what I want and just make it happen already! Anyway - I need to go and drag my kid out of dreamland now. He's my dinner date =) Wish I had more news...promise to write more even if I don't...

Monday, October 13, 2008


I cannot believe this - I just got a call from the SW and we may be getting a foster kid - NOWWW!! Ok, not this minute but as soon as the case worker for this kid calls us!! WOOHOO!!! I am so excited and I want to tell everyone and facebook won't let me log on - interrupted server or something dumb - so I am going to the roof right now to make some sort of official town announcement I am so happy and I cannot wait to meet this kid and sorry I keep saying kid I know it sounds uneducated but I can hardly contain myself!

Ok, I'm better...still excited but a little more calm now =) Please...I know this poor blog has been lonely lately...please pray for us. Things w/my mom are going A LOT BETTER (praise God!) but we wouldn't be here w/o a lot of prayer. Please pray for us! I promise to update the blog - I have tons of things to talk about, not to mention about this foster journey =) The last thing I want to say is that God is good - w/o Him nothing would be possible. When we feel like we can't or it just isn't happening, He is there. THANK YOU JESUS! Amen =)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Still here!

I know it seems like I have gone...but I've just been taking time to 're-group'. After everything that has been going on w/my Mom, I didn't feel like talking much. When I did, I felt bad that everything I had to say was, well, depressing and frustrating. Lately things have been really looking up - Mom has been doing well in the sub-acute rehab facility! Praise God! She is talking, calling people on her new cell phone, working in therapy, asking questions about life 'on the outside' and interacting w/other residents. Her attitude is completely different most of the time and we are all feeling blessed, positive and happy =) If you want to know more, you can always go to and type in bonniesblog (no apostrophe). At any rate, there have been a bunch of other things going on that I'd love to talk about! First a quick update on each of us...
1) Me - I have been enjoying a break from leadership of all kinds of activities...sometimes I miss the parents group or stuff at church, but honestly, I couldn't have done it during this time. I signed up for a few activities I was interested in at the ministry fair but I haven't been to any of them yet. There was the prayer quilt ministry, the 'health club', the walking group and of course the scrapbooking group! Mostly I've been trying new things in the kitchen, trying to keep us stocked w/healthy snacks and doing things like using the dehydrator for apples and potatoes. I love getting the CSA box on Tues and we've all enjoyed smoothies, quiches and veggie pizzas =)
2) DW - wow - he's finally settling in as the Pre-K bilingual teacher...He loves playing guitar for the kids and is still trying to get used to the crafts and stuff. He's still playing on the worship team, just not as often. He's been riding the city bus since we only have one car and I am impressed that he actually doesn't mind it! His ankle was better, then he got the screws out,'s back to being a little sore again. Mostly, Dave has been helping me around the house and taking Mo to the zoo when we go visit my Mom in the hospital. Now that she's in the new place, she can handle Mo for longer periods of time, but it was awesome that the boys would go off so I could enjoy time w/my Mom.
3) Moses - well, we tried preschool...2 days a week for 2.5 hours each. It didn't go well. He is really young compared to the other kids, all this stuff w/my Mom, he didn't know a soul! We could make a bunch of excuses, but the bottom line is he wasn't ready. So now we get to hang out together! He is such a funny kid - singing P & W songs, telling stories, making superman capes from crepe paper (??), wearing my shoes, making me lunch in the sandbox, doing all the things a 3yo boy should be. That, and oh how could I forget? We have our occasional fits thrown in there to make life interesting tiring!
So I think that catches you all up in a nutshell...if time I will post again tonight!