Monday, April 4, 2011

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue...

This saying has been running through my head lately.  I don't know why.  However, I decided to let it shape the framework for this random blog post...
Something old.  Me.  The laundry pile is getting old.  Hanging wash in the spare room too.  The running indoors on a treadmill is getting old.
Something new.  My swim suit.  I love it even more than the last one I had.  Rain.  I really don't like it.  I'd like the snow back please.  That or just fast forward to the sun and brown grass!  I've got a new mini-greenhouse.  I plan to get that set up this week w/seeds in little pots...can't wait to garden!!
Something borrowed.  Inspiration from many sources: music, posters, blogs, the Purple Book class...I'm 'borrowing' a book from the library and actually reading.
Something blue.  Apparently my attitude has been a little blue lately.  It seems random strangers and friends alike are all suddenly interested in us having more kids.  Over the past week so many people have been asking and I would be lying if I said it didn't bug me.  I guess I also had a blue moment when we went back home for the first time since my grandpa passed away.  It was the first time in a long time that I was home but didn't stop by his house.    I'm sure most of you have had a moment like that too.  It stinks, doesn't it?  Anyway - I'm better now, but it was a blue week...
Since that saying had been running through my head, I of course have been thinking of our wedding =)  This year we will have been married 12 years (!!) and I am reminded of all the things we have done together.  There are so many things that wouldn't have been possible for me if it weren't for Dave.  Right now he is supporting me to finish credits to renew my teaching license, he is working w/me so I can go to the Y and get ready for a 5K, he works outside of the home so I can be here for our kids and maintain the house, he comes along side me to do things I think we 'need' to do...Sometimes I wonder how life got to be this good and then I remember I have Dave.  I love Dave!  I am very blessed to have a husband who loves God and seeks to lead our family in a manner that pleases Him!

1 comment:

Amish/English said...

Gotta love life!!! So good to read your blog!!! God is good, even when we don't FEEL it! The God we serve can take it even when we are "blue", but this too shall pass! Keep up the good work!