Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jan - month in review...

Wow - the month has flown by!!  It's been a pretty wild month w/a lot of ups and downs...before I forget, I need to ask you all to pray for my ear.  I went to the dr and I have fluid trapped in it.  There's not much they can do and I really don't have any other symptoms or anything, just ear pain, a little dizziness and I can't hear!!  I'm constantly making Dave look at me to talk or turning the music's annoying.  And it hurts.  So if you could do that, I would be grateful!  I've heard that this can go on for like a month...but I'm believing that won't happen.  Trying to 'psych' myself into getting over it fast!  Well, let's see...what else?  So much to talk about!  I think it would be good to do a review of our goals.
Daily - I give myself/us a D.  We are doing so well eating meatless meals!  I think it's good to mention that Mo enjoys praying too.  A lot of the other stuff is still a work in progress...
Monthly - B+!  Now that list is going well!  The first month of a tight budget went smoothly!  There's always room for improvement...
The big goal is discipline and I think that's a C.  Good days and bad days.  
In other news, we are still waiting for word on an older foster daughter by the end of the month.  We've hung out w/her a few times and think she'll fit into our family =)!   As the days go by I am trying to purge some things from our house to make room, but also pray as I go.  There's no way we can do this w/o God, nor do we want to!  Individually, there's a lot to talk about too - I was in a drama at church this weekend.  It's been so long...!  Even though it seemed like a scramble to memorize lines, Tony and I ROCKED it!  Looking back on it, I know that there were all these distractions while we practiced (feeding kids breakfast, people walking around and talking, total prop change, moving rooms, etc) but we stayed focused.  So I/we can claim a disciplined victory for that!  Dave has been enjoying going to a men's prayer breakfast and water aerobics every week.  We've been really blessed that he's gotten a ride over to the breakfast a few times too - so much easier than catching the bus that early!  Moses is amazing us every day w/his music prowess...did I use that word right??  He is way more melodius than me!  I'll try to hum a song for the boys to identify..."Bah, bah ba dum.." and they're like, "What?!"  But when Mo does it, we all know the song!  Oh well, I knew it wouldn't take long for his music skills to surpass mine!  He's starting to pick letters out when we read, so he knows when we've gotten to a certain word or something.  I can't believe that this kid can do that!  Oh, and Mom, he tells me if I skipped a page when reading too!  PAYBACK.  It doesn't take long for a kid to memorize a book....He is doing so much more for himself these days.  Makes a momma's heart ache for the days when she was needed, but it's good =)  Our foster son is talking our ear off (yes, even my deaf ear!) and climbing!  He just pulls w/all his might and scrapes his belly and then gives you the biggest grin when he gets there!  He's learning a lot about music too, go figure!  Well, I really wanted to post a bunch of pics, but I haven't downloaded them yet.  That will have to wait!  Today it is so warm, I think we're going to go for a walk!  After so many days of negative wind chill temps, we need to get out there and feel the sun on our faces...stay tuned for a few more updates!

1 comment:

Revka said...

I sure hope your ear is better soon! In fact, I'm PRAYING it will be. ;)