You know you're the parent of a toddler when... go pee and your toddler comes running from the next room, cheering, "Yay! WooHoo! Good job, Momma! You went potty!" talk about things like going potty w/reckless abandon.
...'helping' w/the dishes or cooking actually means 'spilling' something. have to stop yourself from laughing the first time they shout "NEVER-R-R-R!" like a pirate after you've asked them to do something for you. know all the words to the Bob the Builder song and find yourself mumbling it as you fall asleep.
...everything is a game. "Your coat is sad, can we make him happy and put him on? Don't steal my meatballs! Don't eat them! How fast can we pick these toys up?" have no need to imagine what it would be like if 3 rolls of paper towel were torn off, sheet, by sheet, and strewn about your kitchen. find yourself asking, "Where did you get this?" a million times a day. hit your elbow on a door knob and make up words like "Fuhmoodertooder!" use the timer so often that your toddler hears the smoke alarm while you're in the shower and keeps yelling, "The timer, Momma, the timer's beeping! It's the timer, Momma! Get the timer!" have a secret stash of confiscated (or special food for mommies and daddies only) items! Sh - it's on top of the fridge! eat snacks all day! (Maybe this is only true if you have a boy...?) live for nap time. This video should serve as a visual/auditory explanation.
We love 'em, but can I get an AMEN??
What are some of the ways you know?
And if you don't have toddlers, go ahead, tell us some of the ways you can spot a parent of a toddler. Be honest - we'll try to laugh about it, I promise!!***Disclaimer - all testimonies written here are true and can be fully verified by the author and her boss. Do not attempt to recreate these scenes in your own home. Doing so will only serve to confuse and disorient family and friends. TLW - it used to mean True Love Waits, but in this case it means Toddlers Live Wildly!