Monday, November 3, 2008

30 days of thankfulness - Day 3

I am thankful for my neighbors. This will probably sound a lot like my last post, but I know the neighbors are always watching out for the kids and they bring them special treats and stuff...When we first moved here, DW and I were a little disappointed b/c most (ok, almost ALL) of the neighbors are quite a bit older than us. The ones on each side could be our grandparents! We thought, "Oh bummer, our kids won't have anyone to play w/!" What we didn't think of was the fact that these people would treat our kids like their own grandkids and would treat us much like their own kids! Moses loves to see what Sarge is working on, he loves to talk to Leon about the fish he caught...One time, during the summer, Moses window upstairs was open. He was supposed to be going to sleep and I heard him yelling. "SARGE!! Sarge - whatcha doin'?" I had to control my laughter before I went up to scold him! The neighbors watch the house when we are gone and they are ever so thoughtful. I hope someday to be as good of a neighbor as they are!

1 comment:

Joyce said...

The more loving adults there are in a child's life, the better. Moses is lucky!